Scents, smells and flavors.
Our recipe for happiness.

Raw material is the basis of our idea of cooking

Every day Zerilli restaurant chooses the best raw materials to satisfy even the most refined palates. Our chef Mario Cinque imagines traditional dishes for our guests revisited with passion, love and daily study.

Prenota un tavolo

Riceverai una comunicazione dal nostro staff di  avvenuta prenotazione del tavolo. Ricordiamo alla gentile clientela che il ristorante resterà chiuso il Martedì tutta la giornata e il Mercoledì a pranzo.

Book a table

You will receive a communication from our staff confirming the table reservation. We remind our kind customers that the restaurant will be closed on Tuesdays all day and on Wednesdays for lunch.

Iscriviti alla newsletters

Resta aggiornato su tutte le nostre novità e ricevi sconti e promozioni a te dedicati

Book a table

You will receive a communication from our staff confirming the table reservation. We remind our kind customers that the restaurant will be closed on Tuesdays all day and on Wednesdays for lunch.

Disponibile solo a pranzo