I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.
Oscar Wilde





Chef Mario, his dishes and his cuisine for a sensory journey through taste


The taste

Traditional cuisine revisited by Chef Mario Cinque

In our restaurant located in the main square of Vico Equense every dish will awaken your senses


The sense of smell

We select the best raw materials from local producers to guarantee freshness and quality for our dishes.



Work and Passion. The sounds of the kitchen, the sizzling of the pans, the voice of Mario who leads his team; the voice of the dishes of the Restaurant Zerilli that will speak to your palate

Passion, elegance and love. This is how we welcome our customers. The perfect location for a gourmet dinner or an exclusive aperitif.

The Room

Prenota un tavolo

Riceverai una comunicazione dal nostro staff di  avvenuta prenotazione del tavolo. Ricordiamo alla gentile clientela che il ristorante resterà chiuso il Martedì tutta la giornata e il Mercoledì a pranzo.

Book a table

You will receive a communication from our staff confirming the table reservation. We remind our kind customers that the restaurant will be closed on Tuesdays all day and on Wednesdays for lunch.

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Book a table

You will receive a communication from our staff confirming the table reservation. We remind our kind customers that the restaurant will be closed on Tuesdays all day and on Wednesdays for lunch.

Disponibile solo a pranzo